Page 166 Two important endnotes providing evidence that birth control pills and IUDs kill babies have mysteriously disappeared from my books.
Página 252. Dos Notas de Fin importantes que aportan pruebas de que las píldoras anticonceptivas y los DIU matan a los bebés han desaparecido misteriosamente de mis libros. Traducirlos en
- “Do birth control pills cause abortions?” “¿Las píldoras anticonceptivas provocan abortos?” Chastity Project.“ (December 15, 2020).
- Brian Clowes PhD, “Abortifacient Brief: The Intrauterine Device” “Resumen abortivo: el dispositivo intrauterino” April 8th, 2017, Human Life International (December 15, 2020).
The Rapture. 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 18.
The WORMWOOD Prophecy: 2029 Asteroid Striking Earth? | Tom Horn Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! Mar 8, 2020
On page 27 of his book, The Wormwood Prophecy, Horn says if you believe in the pre-Tribulation rapture, it will happen sometime around October 13, 2025
Pittman said only 2.5% of people went to heaven, and would have gone up in the rapture, had it occurred on August 3,1979.
The Spanish Latinos, the Sephardic Jews
There is salvation and deliverance for these people in my book including a chapter: The Spanish Inquisition and Its Effect Today.
A book about the Spanish Jews and the Inquisition by Dell F Sanchez Ph.D. The Last Exodus. Read at
-You Tube. Crypto Jews, the Aliyah of Sepharadic Anusim
-YouTube. “La voz de Dios llamando a Sefardies”
These two are by Pastor Daniel Jang
Yeshua for Jewish persons.
They Thought for Themselves. Russian, Hebrew, & English
Yeshua fulfilled Yom Kippur
Yeshua’s blood, from his pierced side (John 19:34), descend 20 feet onto the Ark of the Covenant, in a cave below Mount Calvary, where Jeremiah had hidden it.
“The Most Astonishing Chromosome Count Ever!” So
Greatly Loved, Sogreatlyloved December 18, 2019 chromosome-count-ever/
Mary Nell on Ron Wyatt and the Ark of the Covenant
REVISED Apr 13, 2021, (May 5, 2022).
Liberación de los demonios en español
Profeta Ingrith Benavides – YouTube
John Ramirez, ex satanista testimonio Traducido en
Español YouTube (July 18, 2023)
Deliverance Video Links:
Dr M Kemal Irmak stated that schizophrenia could be caused by demonic possession.
M Kemal Irmak, “Schizophrenia or Possession?” National Institutes of Health. National Library of Medicine. National center for biotechnology information. J Relig Health 2014 Jun;53(3):773-7. doi: 10.1007/s10943-012-9673-y. PMID: 23269538 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-012-9673-y pubmed.gov
Frank Hammond “The Schizophrenia Revelation” April 12, 2022
-YouTube Deliverance From Demons Prayer – Brother Carlos (4 hours)
-Online Earl Davis “ Deliverance Manual”
Come Out In the Name Of Jesus, March 2023, Movie webpage
26 Minutes of the Deliverance Movie
Asbury Revival Links
Miracle Outpouring, Asbury University, Wilmore, KY.
LIVE from Asbury University’s Spiritual Revival – February 23, 2023
Few people get to heaven
-YouTube. Howard Pittman. Only 2.5% of people go to heaven
Herbert Mjorud Lutheran evangelist, book Dare to Believe.
Ask Dr. Sears website. My favorite, The Trusted Resource for Parents.
They provide teaching on pregnancy, childbirth, feeding, eating, behavior and more.
Childhood Sexual Abuse
Marilyn VanDerbur, Miss America 1958. Her website. “The pain of childhood sexual abuse ends …. I promise.” Miss America
Once Can Hurt a Lifetime – Marilyn VanDerbur YouTube
Marilyn VanDerbur, “Once Can Hurt a Lifetime” This YouTube video addresses sexually inappropriate behavior between children and teens and encourages those who have experienced sexual abuse to seek help and support.