Ruth Solveig Olson

Published Author on Deliverance from Curses and Traumas

Mi libro, Know You Have Eternal Life. Get Deliverance!

En un día determinado que le hablo a la gente acerca del Salvador, en mi paseo matutino por mi vecindario, encuentro que entre el 50 y el 90% no están seguros de la vida eterna. Discutí esto al hacer cuatro preguntas. (Ver abajo) En este libro encontrará enseñanza sobre cómo le hablo a la gente acerca del Salvador, guiándonos a través de oraciones de arrepentimiento y liberando demonios. Mi objetivo es que estas personas estén seguras de la vida eterna.

Howard Pittman, autor de Placebo, dijo que cuando estaba en el cielo el 3 de agosto de 1979, solamente el 2½% de los que murieron vinieron al cielo o habrían venido al cielo si el rapto hubiera sido ese día. (Ver Apéndice I y YouTube).

Aunque la mayoría sabía que Jesús murió por sus pecados, más de la mitad de los que interrogué en cuatro iglesias hispanas no estaban seguros de la vida eterna. Enseño sobre la Inquisición española de la Iglesia Católica por la que muchos todavía están sufriendo; ser obligado a rezarle a María, bautizar a sus bebés, comer cerdo, violar el sábado, participar en ceremonias de brujería de Semana Santa y más.

Explico por qué uso el nombre de Yeshua y guardo las fiestas y sábados bíblicos, no la Pascua del domingo y la Navidad, que tienen sus raíces en la brujería.

Después de recibir la liberación de las maldiciones luteranas y masónicas en 1999 en un ministerio de liberación en Lakewood, Colorado, estaba seguro de la vida eterna.

En mis libros encontrará liberación del bautismo infantil, la confirmación y la masonería. Del antisemitismo y las maldiciones sobre los primogénitos. De la maldición bastarda si fue concebido fuera del matrimonio o si tuvo intimidad sexual fuera del matrimonio y pudo haber concebido hijos. De la culpa y el trauma del aborto. Del trauma, los espíritus homosexuales, los espíritus familiares y la falta de perdón que provienen del abuso sexual. De los espíritus de la muerte. Del escultismo, que tiene costumbres indígenas, o de haberse casado con tribus indígenas.

Las enseñanzas y liberaciones en mis libros provienen principalmente de Christian Living Fellowship, más tarde llamado Be Free, un ministerio de liberación en Lakewood, Colorado, que cerró en 2010. He agregado enseñanzas de otros ministerios de liberación y autores con enseñanza experta sobre trauma y abuso sexual. He incorporado las enseñanzas para usarlas en mis propias liberaciones y guerra espiritual, y para usarlas cuando le hablo a la gente sobre el Salvador.

Te doy esto como un recurso para usar contra las maldiciones y los traumas que han llegado a través de tu ascendencia, y que vienen en contra de tu familia, iglesia y nación. Te doy esto como un recurso para animarte a hablarle a la gente sobre el Salvador y guiarlos a través del arrepentimiento y la liberación para que tengan la seguridad de la vida eterna. Nuevamente, mi objetivo es que más personas tengan la seguridad de la vida eterna. 8000 personas creyeron en Jesús, Yeshua, y recibieron un bautismo por inmersión después de que el Espíritu Santo viniera en Hechos capítulo 2, 50 días después de que Yeshua resucitara de entre los muertos.

Mis cuatro preguntas

¿Qué hizo el Salvador para que puedas recibir la vida eterna?

¿Crees que existe un cielo donde están Dios y Jesús, y un verdadero infierno?

Cuando mueras, ¿a dónde irán tu espíritu y tu alma?

Si te dicen que al cielo, pregunto ¿por qué irán al cielo?

Si eres Adventista del Séptimo Día o Pentecostal, revisa las preguntas según tus creencias.

My book, Know You Have Eternal Life. Get Deliverance!

On a given day that I tell people about the Savior, on my morning walk in my neighborhood, I find 50-90% who are not sure of eternal life. I discern this by asking four questions. (See below) In this book you will find teaching on how I tell people about the Savior, leading them through prayers of repentance, and delivering out demons. My goal is that these people will be sure of eternal life.

Howard Pittman, author of Placebo, said when he was in heaven on August 3, 1979, only 2 1⁄2% of those who died came to heaven or would have come to heaven if the rapture had been that day. (See Appendix I & YouTube).

Though most knew that Jesus died for their sins, more than half of those I questioned in four Hispanic churches were not sure of eternal life. I teach about the Spanish Inquisition of the Catholic Church which many are still suffering under; being forced to pray to Mary, baptize their babies, eat pork, violate the sabbath, participate in witchcraft ceremonies of Semana Santa, Holy Week, and more.

I explain why I use the name of Yeshua and keep the biblical feasts and sabbaths, not Easter and Christmas, which are rooted in witchcraft.

After I received deliverance from Lutheran and Freemason curses in 1999 at a deliverance ministry in Lakewood Colorado, I was sure of eternal life.

In my books you will find deliverance from infant baptism, confirmation, and freemasonry. From antisemitism and curses on the firstborn. From the bastard curse if you were conceived outside of marriage or if you had sexual intimacy outside marriage and may have conceived children. From the guilt and trauma of abortion. From trauma, homosexual spirits, familiar spirits and unforgiveness that come from sexual molestation. From death spirits. From Scouting, which has Indian ways, or having intermarried with Indigenous tribes.

The teaching and deliverance in my books are primarily from Christian Living Fellowship, later called Be Free, a deliverance ministry in Lakewood Colorado that closed in 2010. I have added teaching from other deliverance ministries and authors with expert teaching on trauma and sexual abuse. I have incorporated the teachings to use for my own deliverances and spiritual warfare, and to use as I tell people about the Savior.

I give you this as a resource to use against curses and traumas that have come through your ancestry, and that come against your family, church, and nation. I give you this as a resource to embolden you to tell people about the Savior and lead them through repentance and deliverance so they will be assured of eternal life. Again, my goal is that more people will be sure of eternal life. 8,000 people believed in Jesus, Yeshua, and received an immersion baptism after the Holy Spirit came in Acts chapter 2, 50 days after Yeshua rose from the dead.

My Four Questions

What did the Savior do so you can receive eternal life?

Do you believe there is a heaven where God and Jesus are, and a real hell?

When you die, where will your spirit and soul go?

If they say to heaven, I ask why they will go to heaven?

If you are a Seventh day Adventist or a Pentecostal, revise the questions according to your beliefs.


De Anya Maria Silva, Hola Ruth, buenas tardes,quería decirle que estuve leyendo su libro y que me parece exelente, si creo que los cristianos pueden tener malos espíritus y que si pueden ser liberados en el nombre de Jesús.

From Anya Maria Silva. February 20, 2024. She was a doctor in Cuba but now lives in Aurora Colorado. Hello Ruth, good afternoon, I wanted to tell you that I have been reading your book and that I find it excellent. I believe that Christians can have evil spirits and that they can be released in the name of Jesus.

Joseph H. drove a tank in Vietnam for four years. He said thank you for your wonderful book.

Craig said, as I mentioned Monday night, I thought your book was extremely well written and had lots of citations. I also thought it painted a good picture of the many pains that you and others have suffered. I believe it will resonate with your readers who have been through similar experiences.

Thankfully for myself, I didn’t have any of those experiences in my own Scouting experience. Theologically, as a Lutheran, I don’t see infant baptism from the same perspective you do. Thankfully, given Faith and Grace, we all have our own wisdom for understanding God’s words.

Blessings on getting your book out there. I know how hard it is. Craig.

I, Ruth, responded: A small percent of Lutherans like you and Pastor Hawkins are sure of going to heaven. Anna, my counselor who I refer to in my book, said if there is more love in the family, not the trauma I experienced, the infant baptism bondage is not as strong.” I believe your family has been very loving.

Craig said, “we were surrounded by love. As for curses, I believe that family genetics and the enduring impacts of trauma on future generations via epigenetics is a better explanation.” Blessings.

Craig A. Knippenberg LCSW, M.Div. Director of the Prince of Peace Social Club for Mental Health Consumers.

This book by Ruth S. Olson is a masterpiece!

Jane E. Grogan, Board Certified Counselor / Tele-Mental Health professional

Some who have been in my Bible studies, trust what I say and are using these resources for deliverance. This is what I want: healing, deliverance, and then especially, people going with the gospel, using my 4 questions.

A woman said she, like me, doesn’t like presents, but “thank you always for your wonderful book, this wonderful gift.” She said, “today I found another reason to cast out and expel demons.” She wants another copy of my book to give to her stepsister on her birthday. This same week she called, but I was not able to answer the phone. So, she delivered herself!

Another woman believes, after reading the New Testament with me nearly every day, that God is love, Yeshua is the son of God, and he loves us. She believes mothers should put their families first.

A woman who has been verbally and physically abused, feels it is still happening. She said voices were telling her to “shoot.” 

We went to the Teaching on Actual Deliverance chapter, teaching to bind, rebuke, take authority over, and cast out demons. Then we cast out suicide and murder spirits in Appendix K, especially noting that Lucifer kills his own people.

She exclaimed; “you’ve written a book about what I’ve been feeling for decades.” Since 1984, she said.

Djuana Allen identified with my move to Colorado to escape the abusive men in Nebraska, because she left Indiana to escape crime and the lack of jobs in that city. But then her boy died in a car accident in Denver. Djuana said my book is encouraging and easy to understand. “Good Job,” she said.

Crystal Cobb responded.  In reading through some chapters of your book and taking authority to remove certain items that I knew were in my life for a very long time, Masonry and infant baptism, something has occurred.  I am not driven any more. Remnants of perfectionism, being withdrawn, and silent when needing to speak, have departed. I am more relaxed, stable and steadfast, yet respecting authority without trembling has come to be a living reality. I’m more grounded and secure in my relationship with Messiah. I know he approves of me.

A woman whom I have known many years, after recent deliverance from COVID-19, said “thank you for your deliverance ministry and your book.”